Governor Livingston Junior Felipe Santos Named June Student of the Month


Berkeley Heights Public Schools

In an effort to showcase our students in Berkeley Heights Public Schools who have excelled either in academics, leadership, community, or have shown excellent growth in any of those areas, the district is hosting a “Superintendent’s Student of the Month”. For June, we honor Governor Livingston High School junior Felipe Santos.

Felipe was recently recognized with the NJ Governor’s Award in Arts and Education as a “Exceptional Promise in Music” among the best artists and arts educators in New Jersey. The Award Ceremony took place on June 2nd at The College of New Jersey where he performed with other artists.

Felipe has dedicated his life to music since an early age and has performed all across the country and abroad. Felipe won The Modern Drummer Magazine Readers Poll 2021, the world’s most widely read drum magazine, and his talent and his hard work has been recognized by Berklee College of Music for the past two summers with full tuition scholarships to their Summer Program where his excellence resulted in six college credits towards his future education and an invitation to submit an early application.

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