FDR and Teddy Will Visit Libraries

You read the headline right. Two former presidents (portrayed by actors, of course!) will visit two more Somerset County Library System of New Jersey library branches this fall, on October 19, from 7-8 p.m at SCLSNJ’s Warren Township Library branch located at 42 Mountain Boulevard in Warren Township; and on November 7, from 7-8 p.m. at SCLSNJ’s North Plainfield Memorial Library branch, located at 6 Rockview Avenue in North Plainfield.
In September, American Historical Theatre actor Neill Hartley visited SCLSNJ libraries to perform Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s famous speech, “Arsenal for Democracy.” In October, American Historical Theatre actor Peyton Dixon will make his last visit to Warren Township Library to deliver spellbinding performances as President Theodore Roosevelt. In November, Hartley will return to one more SCLSNJ library branch for an encore performance as FDR.
Hartley is often recognized from his role as the Secretary of the Treasury in seasons 2, 3 and 4 of the popular series “House of Cards.” During his performances at SCLSNJ’s library branches, you will hear President Roosevelt’s plea for the support of our Allies and learn what he was thinking during this historical moment.
Combining years of theatre and improvisation training with history research, Peyton delivers a living history experience as the youngest president in American history, Theodore Roosevelt. Peyton will bring Teddy’s vigorous persona to life on October 19, 7-8 p.m. at SCLSNJ’s Warren Township Library branch, located at 42 Mountain Boulevard in Warren Township.
These free programs are funded by the Horizons Speakers Bureau of the NJ Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Registration is required to attend these programs. Visit SCLSNJ.org or contact your local library branch for more information or to register.

(above) Actor Neill Hartley as FDR in An Arsenal for Democracy II

(above) Actor Neill Hartley as FDR in An Arsenal for Democracy II

(above) Actor Peyton Dixon as Teddy Roosevelt

(above) Actor Peyton Dixon as Teddy Roosevelt