Fanwood to host Annual Arbor Day Celebration

Fanwood Celebrates Arbor Day

The Fanwood Shade Tree Commission will host the annual Arbor Day celebration at Carriage House Park on Friday, April 29, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. This is the 150th anniversary of the first Arbor Day, and the 50th anniversary of the Arbor Day Foundation.

A brief history of Arbor Day: As pioneers began moving into the Nebraska Territory, the lack of trees was felt deeply. Not only did the new residents miss the trees they left behind, they were also left without the trees they needed as windbreaks to keep soil in place, for fuel and building materials and for shade from the hot sun. Nebraska newspaper editor and tree enthusiast J. Sterling Morton advocated strongly for individuals and civic groups to plant trees. Once he became secretary of the Nebraska Territory, Morton proposed a tree planting holiday to be called “Arbor Day”. The celebration was held on April 10, 1872. Prizes were offered for the largest number of properly planted trees on that day. Today Arbor Day is celebrated in all 50 states. While Nebraska City, NE is the birthplace of the Arbor Day holiday, communities around the globe gather every year to celebrate trees and plant for a greener tomorrow.

Fanwood is a recipient of the national Tree City, USA award given by the Arbor Day Foundation in recognition of its ongoing dedication to shade tree health and environmental change.  Come and hear what the commission is doing to beautify Fanwood. The event will conclude with a tree seedling give away.