Fanwood Resident Celebrates 100th birthday at The Chelsea

(above) Group of Chelsea staff surrounding Jane Randall on her 100th celebration held on July 18th, 2019.

Jane Randall of Fanwood Celebrates 100th birthday at The Chelsea

Jane Randall, an immigrant from Scotland who met her husband overseas then moved to the U.S after World War II to raise a family, celebrated her 100th birthday at her home at The Chelsea at Fanwood on Thursday, July 18th, 2019.

Mrs. Randall spent her childhood and young adult life in and around Edinburgh, raised by an aunt and uncle. After graduating high school she learned to use adding machines called comptometers, the first mechanical calculators that were actually invented in the U.S. in the late 19th century. She became experienced enough to teach young women how to use them. She later worked as an accountant at a brewery. She has vivid memories of being on the roof of the building where they worked to wave at the royal family when they came to town, especially Queen Elizabeth II wearing her signature bonnet.

She met her husband Ronald, a U.S. soldier stationed in the UK, and they moved to the states, settling first in Chicago and eventually ending up in Cranford, NJ. She enjoyed living there and was active in the Episcopal church. She volunteered for 30 years at a local resale shop.

Mrs. Randall had four children. She has six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Her family celebrated her birthday separately. Her Chelsea friends celebrated with a cake and music.

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