Fanwood Councilman Publishes Second Novel

Fanwood Councilman Tom Kranz has released Killer Competition, his second novel anchored in the television news space.

In Killer Competition, protagonist Bud Remmick, free again after doing prison time for killing his ex-boss, wants only to be a good person, contribute to his community and get a job. His long-suffering wife Maggie supports them with a good job working as a director for their local county government.

Soon after Bud lands a job at his old tv station, dark forces invade his life and Maggie’s, bringing the couple closer while opening doors to evil deeds by villains out for personal gain. One villain is a psychotic news photographer who will stop at nothing to get an exclusive. Another is a corrupt governor hell-bent on taking Maggie’s job away from her and use it as a patronage perk for his connected friends.

“This is basically a story about this couple coping with bad things,” says Tom, a career journalist now working as Communications Director for Fanwood-based Chelsea Senior Living. “Bud and Maggie are each vulnerable in their separate lives to the actions of bad guys. It’s how they support each other that allows them to endure and, ultimately, take control, with a little help from their friends.”

Killer Competition is a continuation of a narrative begun in Tom’s first novel, Budland, though it isn’t necessary to have read Budland to enjoy Killer Competition. “They are separate stories,” says Tom, “but feel free to buy them both for your friends and family members who still like to read.”

Killer Competition is available in paperback and ebook at Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Kobo and other online book retailers. More info can be found at