(above) Veteran clerk/borough administrator Eleanor McGovern, and Councilman Tom Kranz.
Fanwood Public Servants Retire From Service
Monday, December 16, 2019, was the last public meeting for veteran clerk/borough administrator Eleanor McGovern who retired on Dec. 31st after 35 years of service. Councilwoman Kathy Mitchell, her friend for many years, spoke of the many thousands of people Eleanor touched in her duties as borough administrator. Other Council members expressed their gratitude for her tireless work and her help in getting new Council members oriented. Eleanor received a fleece jacket with her name and the Borough seal embroidered.
Tom Kranz ended his stint on the Council after two terms. He did not run for re-election this year. Tom served six years and sat on the Public Safety, Health and Senior Services committees and was chairman of the Administration and Finance committee the past two years. A 26-year resident of Fanwood, Tom is still a volunteer with the Fanwood Rescue Squad and hopes to continue responding to 911 calls going forward.
Borough Attorney Russ Huegel was recognized. Huegel resigned as a Councilman in 2018 to become the Borough Attorney. Mayor Mahr acknowledged his ten years of service as a Councilman. Both Russ and Tom received commemorative plaques recognizing their Council service.