Easter Egg Hunt Returns, Guest Starring Rain and Hail

Photos (by Tom Kranz)

Fanwood 2022 Easter Egg Hunt

Borough of Fanwood

After a two year absence due to Covid, the Easter Egg Hunt returned to Forest Road Park in Fanwood complete with the Easter Bunny, prizes, candy and an event first, hail.

This event is a massive production of the Fanwood Recreation Commission, Recreation Director Bob Budiansky, local Boy Scouts and other volunteers. More than 2,000 plastic eggs filled with prizes and candy were spread across the playground in areas roped off by age. At the word GO, the children are unleashed to grab as many eggs as they can and put them in their baskets. It takes less than a minute. After learning what prizes they won, children lined up at prize tables or at the Bunny Chute to claim them.

And while lucky winners waited in line to claim prizes, the sky opened up. It rained, then it hailed. But it didn’t stop the Easter Bunny from posing for pictures and the several hundred Fanwoodians from having fun.

Photos by Borough of Fanwood

(above) The Milea family of Fanwood and friends
(above) The Rogers family of Fanwood
(above) Rescue Squad members with Easter Bunny and companion
(above) Police Director Mike Bramhall, Councilwoman Trisha Walsh and Mayor Colleen Mahr with local children and the Easter Bunny
(above) Prize table in the rain
Photos (by Tom Kranz)