Faith Lutheran Church Collects Bikes on Behalf of Pedals for Progress

Bike Donations Sought on Behalf of Pedals for Progress

Now is a great time to do some spring cleaning. Maybe you have a bike taking up space in your garage, shed or basement. Maybe it is an old model, a bit worn, in need of repair, or just something you or your kids have outgrown. We have a great option for you that is socially and environmentally responsible.

Faith Lutheran Church, New Providence is currently collecting bicycles in usable and/or repairable condition on behalf of Pedals for Progress (P4P), an organization which annually recycles thousands of bicycles, sending them to countries around the world. Faith Lutheran has been partnering with P4P since 2002 and has collected thousands of bikes in that time.

Anyone wishing to donate an adult or kid-sized bike can drop it off at the far end of the church parking lot near the little brown shed at 524 South Street in New Providence. There is no need to call ahead, just drive up and drop off your donation in the lot and Faith will make sure it gets to P4P. To arrange for pick up, contact the Church Office at 908-464-5177 or leave a message and someone will get back to you.

In the last 29 years, P4P has collected more than 159,000 bicycles and shipped them to people in need in places including Latin America, South America, Africa, Thailand, and the Balkans. In each of these locations, the bikes are reconditioned by partner agencies and distributed at low cost to poor working adults or wherever there is need. Donated bikes previously used for relaxation and recreation get a second life providing life-sustaining and reliable transportation for people to commute to work or school, to transport produce to market, and to access healthcare and other services. For more information visit Pedals for Progress’ website at

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