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Evan Skinner receives Excellence in EMS Award
Chatham Emergency Squad
Once a year, Overlook Medical Center celebrates the EMS community’s finest with the Excellence in EMS Awards. Each squad nominates one member for this prestigious honor. While selecting from our exceptional volunteers is always a challenge, this year’s choice was clear – and for good reason.
We are happy to announce Evan Skinner as CES’s 2024 award recipient. Evan has just celebrated her 10th year with the squad and currently serves as president. As a fellow member put it, “Evan Skinner’s contribution over the last decade surpasses all others. Evan is fully dedicated, offering her time, wisdom, creativity, and vision alongside unwavering commitment.” She is deeply involved in all aspects of the organization and in caring for its members. There is no question that Evan’s tireless volunteer work has truly elevated our Squad.
We thank Evan for choosing CES and contributing wholeheartedly to our team. We are happy to acknowledge her dedication with this honor.
The Chatham Emergency Squad is an all-volunteer organization reliant on our community’s support. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit us at chathamemergencysquad.org.