F6F-5N Hellcat

‹ Return to Eugene G. McGarry

(above) The overpowered 2000 HP 18 cylinder Grumman F6F-5N Hellcat, the most advanced air to air fighter of its time in 1943-1945. With bullet resistant windshields and self-sealing fuel tank, it was designed to take a hit and still return home. Note the radar antenna mounted on the right wing. Many were armed with six 1/2” machine guns and twin 20 mm cannons. With a record breaking kill ratio of 19:1 it proved to be the most successful fighter aircraft in naval history. 12,275 were manufactured in total, incredibly 11,000 in a 2 year period.

The overpowered 2000 HP 18 cylinder Grumman F6F-5N Hellcat, the most advanced air to air fighter of its time in 1943-1945. With bullet resistant windshields and self-sealing fuel tank, it was designed to take a hit and still return home. Note the radar antenna mounted on the right wing. Many were armed with six 1/2” machine guns and twin 20 mm cannons. With a record breaking kill ratio of 19:1 it proved to be the most successful fighter aircraft in naval history. 12,275 were manufactured in total, incredibly 11,000 in a 2 year period.
