Over the course of three weeks in June, Rick Mioduszewski, a 2018 Union High School graduate and candidate for the rank of Eagle Scout, improved the appearance of the handicap accessible ramp at the Caldwell Parsonage as his Eagle Scout project. This involved planning the specifics of the task, raising funds to accomplish his goal, and recruiting volunteers to help with the work.
Rick discussed his proposal with David Arminio, vice president of the Union Township Historical Society, which maintains the Parsonage as a museum at 909 Caldwell Avenue, Union. Next, he solicited the money needed to rent and purchase the necessary equipment and supplies. Finally, Rick and his team of family members and fellow Scouts power-washed, scraped, primed, and painted the railings, support posts, and ramp at the rear of the museum. In addition, they pulled weeds that were growing under the ramp.
Rick is a Scout in Troop 63 of Union. Carlos Nunes is his Troop leader; his Unit Committee Chair is Peter Glaser; and the troop’s Charter Organization Representative is Tom Ahearn of Union Elks Lodge 1583. The troop is part of the Patriots Path Council.

(above) On the left is the “before” state of the handicapped-accessible ramp at the Caldwell Parsonage. On the right, Rick Mioduszewski proudly surveys the “after” results of his completed Eagle Scout project.