Donations Raised By K-Kids Clubs For CHS

On March 16th Children’s Specialized Hospital (CSH) was presented with a big check for $1,755. Children’s Specialized Hospital is the nation’s leading provider of inpatient and outpatient care for children from birth to 21 years of age. The children who are treated at Children’s Specialized face special health challenges which range from chronic illnesses and complex physical disabilities like brain and spinal cord injuries, to developmental and behavioral issues like autism and mental health. At 13 different New Jersey locations, our pediatric specialists partner with families to make our many innovative therapies and medical treatments more personalized and effective…so children can achieve more of their goals. “To learn more about Children’s Specialized Hospital and how to get involved, please visit their website at
Donations were raised by the Linden Public Schools K-Kids Clubs during their Halloween parade, and the remainder was raised by the Kiwanis Club of Linden, inclusive of a generous contribution received from Infineum USA LP. School #4 contributed over $200 so our luncheon was held there. This year some schools used their donations for other causes – such as helping out a school family member who was sick. Special thanks to Sabrina Elson, our current Kiwanis club of Linden President, for her kind words and for her continual support of this project. This fun fundraising event has become a Linden public schools / Kiwanis Club of Linden tradition. We dine at Primavera’s Café & restaurant for lunch on Thursdays.
Special thanks to all of our community for the support. Our success depends on our community. Plans are underway for our pancake breakfast in September on September the 16th and our Taste of Linden on November the 6th or the 13th so look for the updates. We dine at Primavera’s Café & restaurant for lunch on Thursdays.
Please call June Lazaro, secretary and membership chair at 908 930-8310 with questions or if interested in joining our club.

(above) School No. 4 K-Kids members Jocelyn Nova, Isabella Mora and Ashley Giraldo are ready to begin the K-Kids meeting with the Linden Kiwanis members.

(above) School No. 4 K-Kids member Deanna Brown accepts a painting from Children’s Specialized Hospital Community Engagement Coordinator William Cardone. The painting was done by patients at Children’s Specialized Hospital.