Submitted by: Mary Leonard, Regent Crane’s Ford DAR chapter
At the October meeting of the Crane’s Ford chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Barbara Krause was honored for her 50 years of membership in the DAR. Barbara, a Cranford resident, has actively participated with the Chapter and served as Regent from 1998 to 2005.
Most recently, she has served as Historian of the Chapter for over 17 years. Barbara has chaired the American History committee and was responsible for the American History Essay contest in the Cranford schools for many years.
As the chapter Historian, Barbara was instrumental in getting the committee of individuals who saved the historic murals, hanging in the Cranford Township Committee Room, recognized with a Historic Preservation Award from the National Society of the DAR in 2015. The late Larry Fuhro, a former Cranford High School history teacher and township historian, was recognized for his effort to save the historic murals.
In prior years, Barbara worked tirelessly to get the late Robert Fridlington, Cranford Historian and professor emeritus of history at Kean University, awarded the National DAR History Award Gold Medal. Barbara also recognized the late Dr. Paul J. Lioy, Rutgers University Professor, environmental health scientist, worldwide speaker and author, awarding him the DAR Founders Award, The Ellen Hardin Walworth Medal for Patriotism in 2009. This award was in recognition of Dr. Lioy’s work on the World Trade Center dust related issues in the aftermath of 9/11.
Barbara has served on many chapter committees including American Heritage/Conservation, Ways & Means, Bylaw, and Program. For over 23 year Barbara has been an active participant in the DAR Service to Veterans committee, visiting the veterans at the VA Health Care facility in Basking Ridge with our chapter.
Along with all the work she has done for the Crane’s Ford DAR chapter, Barbara is an active member of the Cranford community serving on various committees or commissions.
The Crane’s Ford chapter was chartered by the National Society in 1944. The NSDAR is a volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, historic preservation, service to veterans and meaningful community service. Membership is open to any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American Independence. For additional information or to make application for membership please contact our Registrar, Patty Campanelli at

(above l-r) Barbara Krause, Historian, receives NSDAR 50 year Certificate from Mary Leonard, Regent.