Cub Scout Pack 129 Crossing Over Ceremony

During a boy’s time as a Cub Scout he will have fun participating in many outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing.
He will also work on accomplishing achievements based on community service, understanding basic first aid and emergency preparedness, understanding his role as a citizen, among many others.
No achievement, however, is greater than obtaining the Arrow of Light which indicates that he has completed his Cub Scout requirements and is ready to cross over to become a Boy Scout. On the evening March 21 fellow scouts and family CUB SCOUTS ANNUAL PINEWOOD DERBY The annual Pinewood Derby was held recently. Participants combine woodworking, design, artistic expression and physics with friendly competition to see which homemade car is the fastest in a series of downhill races. More than 65 racers, with their families cheering them on, enjoyed the carnival-like atmosphere as food, beverages, and race-themed deserts were available. Cub Scouts Pack 129 once again invited local (above) Cub Scouts Pack 129 invited Girl Scouts troops from Green Brook and Dunellen to participate in the 2017 Pinewood Derby Girl Scouts troops from Green Brook and Dunellen – Service Unit #62 to participate. Excitement was in the air as all participants enjoyed the fun and excitement of friendly competition. members were witness to the Crossing Over ceremony where seven Cub Scouts from Pack 129 gained their Arrow of Light and were welcomed into Boy Scout Troop 129.Cub Scouts Pack 129, based in Green Brook, is open to all boys grades K through 5th. For information about Pack 129 you may contact Brent Cheshire at