Cranford’s Local History
Submitted by Steven Saltzman
You can have a bronze plaque to put on the outside of your home that recognizes its historic contribution to Cranford’s history. If you live in the North Cranford Historic district and your home qualifies, you can purchase a distinguished bronze plaque from the Cranford Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) that provides your home with the recognition it deserves as contributing to Cranford’s history. Plaques are available at preservecranford.com. The cost is $150. The webpage includes a map that you can expand and then click on your property to see if your house qualifies for recognition.
Many homeowners have already purchased these distinctive plaques and have commented about what it means to them to participate. For instance, Suzanne and Mara, living in a home built in 1890, wrote that they “wanted to support the project and [were] excited about the prospect of having [their] home “identified” as contributing to the historical character of Cranford.” Remo, whose house dates from 1750, “wanted to note to others the value of a historic home.” Another couple wanted to “preserve Cranford history.”
If you are interested please visit our website, preservecranford.com, to see if your home qualifies and place your order.