Eagle Scout Josh Schwartz Creates Little Free Pantry for Families in Need

(above) Boy Scout Josh Schwartz built a community pantry where neighbors can help each other as his Eagle Scout project. Located in the parking lot of Cranford United Methodist Church (corner of Walnut and Lincoln Avenues), t is available to pick up and drop off 24/7.

Cranford’s Little Free Pantry Now Open

Submitted by Susan Caruso Green

Drive by Cranford United Methodist Church and in the parking lot (shared with the Cranford Library) you will see the new Little Free Pantry. Built by Josh Schwartz as his Eagle Scout project, the pantry is open 24/7 for anyone who needs food, or wants to donate food for families in need.

Take what you need, leave what you can – no questions asked.

If the pantry is full, there are extra bins available for your non-perishable food donations.The pantry was created by Josh to enable neighbor to help neighbor in the spirit of community, charity, justice and sharing. Thank you, Josh, and thanks to everyone who is making this community service possible.

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