Cranford Pool & Fitness Center receives AOAP Life Jacket Grant and Kenilworth VFW Donation

Submitted by Patty Kozlowski, Cranford Recreation & Parks Dept.

The Cranford Pool and Fitness Center, Cranford, New Jersey, has a new inventory of lifejackets that were purchased as a result of a very generous donation from the Kenilworth VFW and also as the recipient of the AOAP life jacket grant program. Previously, the Fitness Center did not allow life jackets in its pools, but as a result of the grant and the donation, a new life jacket policy will be rolled out soon.
The pool staff is very passionate about promoting water safety and promoting prevention of drowning through the Center’s swim lesson program, as well as through enforcement of rules and regulations. These lifejackets will allow for improved safety during swim lessons, as well as being available for use at both summer pool locations, especially during open swim time.
The Cranford Pool & Fitness Center would like to thank the AOAP and the Kenilworth VFW for their generosity and commitment to providing knowledge and resources to swimming facilities across the country. We are very fortunate and plan to pay it forward with drowning prevention education throughout our community.