Cranford Police Celebrates 125 Years of History, Service in 2022

Cranford Police Celebrate 125 Years of History

As the Cranford Community reflects on last year’s commemoration of the Township’s 150th Anniversary, the Cranford Police Department will celebrate its 125th Anniversary in 2022, Chief Ryan J. Greco announced on January 19, 2022. As part of the announcement, the police department released its official 125th Anniversary logo. 

The Police Department’s 1897 incorporation year was predated by Cranford’s Thief Detecting Society and a Constable with 3-year terms of service. As the Thief Detective Society’s 20-year charter came to a close in the late 1880’s and citizens demanded more protection of the community, Cranford’s premiere law enforcement agency was created. While Cranford did not see its first Police Chief until 1917 upon the installation of Chief William Jennings, in its 125-year history Cranford has been led by 11 Chiefs of Police and has been served by hundreds of decorated, dedicated officers. 

An accredited law enforcement agency since 2006, the 53-officer highly-specialized municipal police agency consists of a Patrol Division, Investigative Division, Community Support Services Division, Training Division, Detective Bureau, Juvenile Bureau, Traffic Bureau, Records Bureau and a Community Outreach Unit. In addition to their daily responsibilities, officers serve on teams within the organization including the Crisis Intervention Team, Water Rescue Team, Mobile Command Unit, Special Operations Team, Firearms Qualifications Unit, Honor Guard Unit, Domestic Violence Liaison, Accreditation Team, and the Internal Affairs Unit. In January, the Cranford Police Department submitted for reaccreditation recognition from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP), confirming the organization’s dedication to optimal law enforcement professionalism.

To commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the organization, throughout the year the Cranford Police Department will showcase its history and traditions with the public while hosting community events to share its past with the extended community. Some tentative events include a Township Parade, a Commemorative 125th Anniversary Badge, and monthly historical highlights on the organization’s social media platforms. “The community is an integral part of our organization’s history and support, and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with our residents in 2022,” Chief Greco said.

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