Cranford celebrates annual Menorah Lighting
Cranford had its annual downtown menorah lighting on Monday, December 11, 2024, drawing one of the largest crowds ever.
The event was organized by the Union County Torah Center Chabad and Cranford’s Temple Beth-El Mekor Chayim (TBEMC).
The first candle, or “shamash,” was lit by Mayor Brian Andrews, and TBEMC Vice President Andrew Feldman lit the remaining candles.

The event took on particular significance this year in light of the ongoing war in Israel.
Speakers included Chabad’s Rabbi Levi Block, Mayor Andrews, and TBEMC’s Rabbi Paul Kerbel, who all spoke of the power of light symbolized by the Hanukkah candles.
After the candles were lit, Hanukkah music played, and Mayor Andrews joined Rabbi Block in a traditional dance.
This was followed by a “gelt drop” with children swarming to catch dreidel and gelt chocolate coins dropped from a Cranford Fire Department ladder truck with mini parachutes. The crowd also celebrated with jelly donuts and light-up menorah necklaces.
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