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Cranford KoC Honors Conheeney and Margherito
The Cranford Knights of Columbus recently recognized Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney and Treasurer Bob Margherito for their dedication and service to our Council. Jerry has served as Grand Knight for over two plus years and under his tenure, the Council has served and supported many worthy charities and civic causes locally, state-wide and nationally. Bob has been our Treasurer for many years and has flawlessly kept our books and records. He has kept us of harm’s way with all of the government entities that we have to comply with regarding our many fundraising efforts.
With our 2022- 2023 Columbian Year coming to a close, the Council also voted and approved our new slate of Officers welcoming and acknowledging our incoming Grand Knight Kevin Cumiskey and our Deputy Grand Knight Tom Turner. The Council looks forward to a great upcoming Columbian Year and thanks everyone who continue to support us.
Since our founding in 1970, the Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization dedicated to our four core principles, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Cranford Council supports many worthy charities and civic causes is committed to be a viable part of our community. For information about joining the Cranford Council, please contact our Grand Knight Kevin Cumiskey Jerry Conheeney at 973-416-3464 or visit our web site, cranfordknights.org.