Knights of Columbus Assist Hillside Community Food Bank

K of C Volunteer at Food Bank

In the spirit of giving back to our community, the Cranford Knights of Columbus sent a team of volunteers to assist at the Hillside Community Food Bank on Saturday June 10th. The team prepared 315 Emergency Food Essential Boxes for distribution to Seniors and Veterans in need. Pictured are members of the team led by Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney and Brother Ian Moraes who organized the volunteer effort of Brother Knights and their families and friends which include Brother Knights Tom Molfetto, Keith Santulli, Ian Moraes and his wife Karen, Carol Goralski in front of Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney, Bob Uckar and his wife Karen, Anthony Messina, Past Grand Knight Pat Forker, Paul Zissler and his son John Paul, Past Grand Knight Brian Egenton, Joe Rebelo and his wife Mirian, Jim Lubin and Jim Dino.  

The Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization dedicated to our Four Core Principles, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Cranford Council supports many charities and civic causes locally, state-wide, and nationally and is committed to be a viable part of our Community. For information about joining the Council, please contact our Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney at 908-416-3464 or visit the Council web site at