(above) Pictured during a collection for the Cranford PBA Food Drive are Deputy Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney, Past Grand Knight Pat Forker, Brother Anthony Messina and Past Grand Knight and District Deputy Jim Vari.
Cranford KoC Support Community During Pandemic
Submitted by John Doolan
During the COVID 19 crisis, the Cranford Knights of Columbus Council #6226 has been very active in our support of the Cranford Community through donations and charitable works. The Council made a $500 donation to Cranford Family Care to assist this fine organization during these difficult times. The Council also purchased $1,000 of gift cards from local establishments and donated them to the Cranford PBA, FMBA and the Cranford First Aid Squad and many others in need. On Saturday, May 9, Brothers Knights gathered in St. Michael’s School parking lot and collected over 6 full boxes of food items for the Cranford PBA Food Drive and presented them that day. Soon, the Scholarship Committee will make an announcement of our Annual Scholarship Award winners.
The Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization dedicated to our Four Core Principles, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Cranford Council supports many charities and civic causes locally, state-wide, and nationally and is committed to be a viable part of our Community. For information about joining the Council, please contact Membership Chair John Caprio at 732-306-5634 or visit cranfordknights.org.

(above) The Cranford Knights collected over 6 full boxes of food items for the Cranford PBA Food Drive.