Columbian Swim Club Pool is Reopening for Union Residents

Columbian Swim Club

Mayor Delisfort and the Township Committee are happy to announce the Columbian Swim Club Reopening on July 13th, 2020 to all Union residents!

  • Open to Union residents and Knights of Columbus members only!
  • Every individual in your family, including children, must be registered to your account and be registered for the selected day.


  • $5 per session for adults
  • $3 per session for children aged 5-18
  • Children 4 and under will be free (a child discount will apply in your cart)

 A maximum of 75 individuals will be permitted in the pool each session. Each day will have a 12-3pm and a 4-7pm session. Families may register for a maximum of three sessions per week, two between Mon-Thur and one between Fri-Sun. If you select two sessions on the same day you must leave the pool area with all of your belongings between 3-4pm during the sanitization break.

Online reservations will be available one week in advance to ensure all residents and members have a fair chance of enjoying the pool. A concession stand will have snacks available for purchase for all guests; the KOC bar and picnic grove are only available for members. Temperature checks for all individuals and proof of residency (or KOC membership) of the head of household will be required to enter.

Click Here for Online Reservations

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