College Club Participates In “Sharing Lunches”

MLK Day Of Service College Club Participates In “Sharing Lunches”

In an effort to honor and respond to one of Dr. Martin Luther King inspirational sayings “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”, the College Club of Fanwood Scotch Plains made 70 lunch bags for the Salvation Army program called “Sharing Lunches”.
The Salvation Army supports those in need without discrimination for over 130 years in the US with a variety of services from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, elderly, homeless and ill and opportunities for underprivileged children. The lunch bags contained a sandwich, small snack of chips, pretzels or granola, a piece of fruit, a juice box and a few cookies. The members of the club donated supplies and assembled the bagged lunches for delivery to the Salvation Army unit in Plainfield, NJ.
The College Club performs a monthly outreach to local community needs and also offers, on the 3rd Monday in the months of September through April at The Chelsea in Fanwood, free programs on various topics that are open to the public. For more information about our monthly programs, go to
The next program on February 15th will spotlight local historian George Pierson, who will present stories of two veterans of the American Civil War – while soldiers in the same conflict, they had very different experiences and memories about the United States and its struggles from 1860 to 1865.
College Club donates lunches to Salvation Army