CMS Students Participate in Capstone Science Project Presentation

Capstone Science Project Presentation

Berkeley Heights Public Schools

Students in the Accelerated Physical Science classes in grade 8 at Columbia Middle School recently participated in their first ever Capstone Science Project Presentation and Fair. Capstone is a year-long project that the Accelerated Physical Science classes at CMS does. Grade 8 science teachers Mr. Thomas Clayton and Ms. Connie Lee teach the classes. The project involves student groups devising an optimized solution to a problem where the solution either does not currently exist or which improves upon a current solution. Some examples of the incredible work done by students include creating affordable environmentally-sustainable cosmetics, natural food dyes, and shoes with interchangeable heels.

Dennis Dagounis, Science Supervisor said, “This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to go through the design and engineering process. Students needed to identify a problem, do research and devise a solution. This is just another example of some of the exciting things taking place in the Berkeley Heights Science classes.”

Photos by Berkeley Heights Public Schools

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