Clark UNICO Celebrates 40 Years of Community Service

Submitted by: Ralph Bernardo

The UNICO Chapter of Clark celebrated its 40th anniversary of existence in the Clark community on Thursday, June 28, 2018. Current President Joe Arancio welcomed everyone as the evening was celebrated with over 135 guests with a gala dinner, entertainment and proclamations at the Clark Holiday Inn.

The club put together a beautiful ad book complete with memorable photos, business ads and personal messages. All guests were entertained by Italian singers Anthony and Clare. Unico National executives were in attendance including our National President Tom Vaughan. On display were 40 years of memorabilia including awards, trophies, photos, etc. The first Clark Chapter President from 1978, Tony Roccia gave a brief speech as well as the Mayor Sal Bonaccorso.

Other speeches included  the club historian Henry Varriano, National President, Executive Vice President Lee Norelli and the past Clark Chapter President Ralph Bernardo.

UNICO has been giving back to the community for 40 years, including donations to all charities and organizations of the town, scholarships, our veterans, coat drives, fund raisers, the Italian Feast, and more. UNICO’s platform is “Service above Self.” It does a heart good when you serve those less fortunate, lonely, handicapped, aged, the community, children etc. There’s no better feeling than bringing a smile to someone’s face.

For more information about Clark Unico visit