Clark Softball Field Named for Ralph Bernardo

(above) Clark Recreation Director Ralph Bernardo

Clark Softball Bernardo Field

A field was named in honor of Clark Recreation Director Ralph Bernardo by the Clark Girls’ Softball League at an opening day ceremony on Saturday, April 17. The new Bernardo Field is located behind the concession area in the rear of the Recreation building.

The award was presented by Mark Conforti, former President of the League. “Ralph’s motto and mission of Clark Recreation is to provide the community with a variety of youth, adult and family activities that will give citizens a more productive and gratifying quality of life…You can tell Ralph clearly loves his job and is always, and I repeat, always available and approachable for ideas or a helping hand,” Conforti said. “We chose to show our appreciation to Ralph and all that he has done for our community.”

Bernardo thanked league organizers. “This is such an honor to be recognized like this I truly am humbled to receive such recognition,” said Bernardo. “I do what I do because of my dedication to the kids of Clark, the love of my job and devotion to this great town.”

League officials said they originally intended the field dedication to be held at the start of the 2020 season. The pandemic delayed it until this year.

(above) Ralph Bernardo and family
(above) Bernardo, Mayor Bonaccorso and Council
(above) Mark Conforti
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