Scouts Build Gaga Ball Pit
Township of Clark
Alexander Cistaro worked with fellow Boy Scouts in Troop 145, Scott McCabe, and members of the Clark Department of Public Works to create a Gaga ball pit behind the Clark Municipal Building. Cistaro, who has played his fair share of Gaga ball at Boy Scout summer camp over the years, picked this undertaking as his Eagle Scout project.
Gaga ball is a gentler version of dodgeball where players use a lightweight ball and only hit each other below the knees to tag a player out of the pit. The game moves very fast and ends when there is one person left within the walled area that has not been tagged-out by a tap from the ball.
Recreation Director, Ralph Bernardo was excited to have the newest addition to the municipal grounds. “I think Xander’s idea for the Gaga pit was terrific, it’s different and a wonderful new offering to the community,” he said. “Kids at our summer camp are already enjoying the pit.”
The Gaga ball pit, located behind the Caitlin Nelson Park is open to the public until dusk each day. Parking is in front of the Municipal Building.
Photos by J. Cistaro