Clark American Legion Holds Drive-By Christmas Party

(above)  Santa and his elves distributed Christmas cheer in the American Legion parking lot on Sunday, December 13, 2020 to uphold a Christmas tradition for its members.

Clark American Legion Drive-By Christmas party

Submitted by Judy Duran

Every year the members of the Clark American Legion Post 328 hold a Christmas party for the children and grandchildren of its Veterans. The Post holds the event in its upstairs hall and features Santa Claus, his Elves, refreshments, face painting, balloons and of course gifts. Due to the restrictions of the Covid 19 pandemic, the Legion had to rethink the plans for this event. The Veterans did not want to disappoint the children who so enjoy the day. 

This year’s event was held on Sunday, December 13, 2020 and was chaired by Dave Mormak. Santa and his elves were waiting for the children in the parking lot with candy canes and gifts for all. The event was a drive-by with children allowed to stand beside Santa for a picture if they wished to do so. Masks were worn by all. The children were given goodie bags and gifts to start off the Christmas season. The weather was perfect: 62 and balmy with lots of sun. 

Dave Mormak and his volunteer staff of Legion members and SAL, Sons of the Legion, included: Jack Doran, Mike Duffy, Mike Foreman, Cat Alago, Bob Serratelli and Barry Loessel. They set up a Christmas tree, and Christmas decorations to create a Santa’s workshop with the big man center stage. Volunteers from the Auxiliary were available to assist. Auxiliary volunteers included: Tammi Angelo, Margaret Alago, Maureen Reilly, Ann Levy.

The American Legion has held this event for over 50 years and were determined to continue despite the Covid regulations. Safety was a priority so social distancing and masks were mandatory. The event went as planned and the children were delighted to meet Santa and his helpers. And Clark’s veterans were happy to continue their Children’s Christmas Party tradition.

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