Due to an unforeseen emergency which caused the destruction of about $1,000 worth of food, St. Theresa’s food pantry is in emergent need of the following items:
Grains: Pasta, rice, noodles, instant potatoes, boxed stuffing, boxed macaroni and cheese, crackers, pancake mix, oatmeal, Ramen noodles. Paper products: Toilet paper and paper towels. No appointment is necessary to make a donation. Non-perishable goods and gift cards to any supermarket can be left in the Crying Room in the Church on Sundays. Monday the Rectory during business hours 9 am – 5 pm. Supermarket gift cards and checks made payable to St. Theresa’s can be mailed to Social Concerns c/o The Church of Saint Theresa, 541 Washington Avenue, Kenilworth, NJ 07033.
If you are in need of food you can contact the Rectory at 908-272-4444, they will arrange for a volunteer to meet you at the pantry. The identities of people who receive assistance from the pantry are kept confidential. Names and contact information aren’t required to receive assistance. For more information contact: The Church of Saint Theresa – 908-272-4444.