Chatham Memorial Day Services 2023
On Memorial Day, Monday May 29th, Chatham Borough will honor and remember the men and women who have fought for our country, their families, and comrades in arms.
The ceremony will take place at 8:00 a.m. sharp, lasting approximately 30 minutes, in front of the Memorial Monuments in Memorial Park (adjacent to the Library of the Chathams) at 214 Main Street, Chatham, NJ. (Rain location Firehouse Bays at Firehouse Plaza)
The schedule is as follows:
- Seating of Veterans at 8:00 a.m.
- Color Guard – Chatham Volunteer Fire Department
- Flag Ceremony & Pledge of Allegiance – Chatham Scouts Troop 8
- Singing of The National Anthem
- Remarks and Attending Veterans Roll Call Councilman Len Resto
- Wreath Laying
- Singing of “America the Beautiful”
- Playing of TAPS
- Color Guard Retreats
- Singing of “God Bless America”
- Benediction
The Borough welcomes all to share in this ceremony of honor.