Category: Westfield Monthly

Vintage Valentines Plus Story Time and a Craft

Vintage Valentines Sunday, February 5, 2 – 4 p.m. Love is in the air as the Miller-Cory House Museum presents “Vintage Valentines”. The writing of romantic notes and letters for St. Valentine’s Day was very popular in colonial America. By

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Westfield Clubs annual Holiday Food Distribution Project

Holiday Food Distribution Project Members of the Westfield Optimist Club and Rotary Club demonstrated their commitment to community service by providing holiday food to Westfield area families and local food pantries. Due to current health and safety concerns and food

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Westfield Rotary Inducts Two New Members

Rotary Inducts New Members The Rotary Club of Westfield recently inducted two new members. Walter Korfmacher holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry and worked for various pharmaceutical companies for 40 years before his retirement. He has been a resident of Westfield for

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Dr. Edred Shen Speaks to Westfield Rotary Club

Physician Speaks to Westfield Rotary Club Submitted by Dr. D. Michael Hart On Tuesday, January 10, Dr. Edred Shen, M.D. spoke to the members of the Rotary Club of Westfield. Dr. Shen ran the meeting as an informal question and

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