Category: Westfield Monthly

The May 2019 issue of the Westfield Monthly

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Mother’s Day 2019 Notable Homes Tour

Celebrate Mother’s Day with A Tour of Notable Homes The popular Tour of Notable Homes produced each year by the Friends of NJ Festival Orchestra will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2019 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to

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Stephen Wells to Advocate for Foster Youth

Westfield’s Stephen Wells Takes Oath to Advocate for Foster Youth Thanks to Stephen Wells, Westfield was among 13 municipalities represented by the 15 newest court appointed special advocates tasked with serving as extra eyes and ears for family law judges

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Union County Spring Assembly 2019

Spring Assembly Featured Presentation by Union County’s John Prescott John Prescott of the Union County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs presented a program entitled “Invention, Innovation & Industry in Union County” at the Assembly Room of The Presbyterian Church

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