Category: Westfield Monthly

Westfield Clubs Joint Holiday Food Gift Card Program

Joint Holiday Food Gift Card Program Submitted by Dr. D. Michael Hart Members of the Rotary Club of Westfield and the Optimist Club demonstrated their commitment to community service by providing holiday food to Westfield area families and local food pantries.

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Rake & Hoe Garden Club Decorates Holiday Tree at Jardine Academy

Rake & Hoe Garden Club As part of its commitment to community service, the Rake and Hoe Garden Club of Westfield visited Jardine Academy recently and decorated the Holiday Tree with one hundred sled ornaments designed by Mary Lou Nolas

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Girl Scout Cadette Troop 40451 Supports 102nd Cavalry Regiment

Westfield Girl Scouts Support 102nd Cavalry Members of Westfield Girl Scout Cadette Troop 40451 proudly joined in supporting the 102nd Cavalry Regiment as they deploy for Syria and Iraq. Organized through the many wonderful efforts of Bonds of Courage, these

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CMC of Westfield holds annual Holiday Reception

CMC Scholarship applications available Feb. 1st Submitted by Barry H. Jaruzelski The College Men’s Club of Westfield (CMC) held its annual holiday reception at Echo Lake Country Club on December 20th, to honor its current four-year scholarship recipients. Also in attendance

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