Category: Warren Monthly

Middle Schoolers say Thank You to Troops Overseas

U.S. service men and women will receive a special thank you during the holidays from Warren Middle School students. Language arts teacher Brenda Sasso took special note when the radio station she listens to announced earlier this month that it

Warren Girl Scouts Earn Bronze Award

Submitted by Bridget Ameo Several Warren Middle School 6th graders celebrated earning their Bronze Award on October 28, 2017 at Gabriel’s Fountain. The Bronze Award is the highest award given in Junior Girl Scouting and is accomplished by completing an

From the Mouths of Owls

On October 16, SCLSNJ’s Warren Township Library branch patrons participated in a hands-on program where they dissected and studied owl pellets (masses of undigested bones, teeth, hair, and feathers of an owl’s prey).

First Graders Receive Lesson on Monarch Butterflies

What started as a simple rescue mission turned into an impromptu science lesson on the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly for first graders at Angelo L. Tomaso School. During a recent recess, students and teacher Mary Balkonis noticed caterpillars
