Category: Summit Times

Summer of High Adventure for Summit’s Scouts

Troop 67 Travels to Philmont Scout Ranch Submitted by Matthew Hecker, Troop 67 Summit’s own Boy Scout Troop 67 was able to do something truly incredible over the summer that they were waiting to do for years. From July 14

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Hatcher Micone of Summit Turns 100 with a “Pink Celebration”

Hatcher Micone Turns 100 Susan G. Komen North Jersey Founder and Past Volunteers Pay Tribute to a Life Well Lived Hatcher Micone, a long-time resident of Summit, was honored on August 4, 2021 at a 100th Birthday Celebration held in her

Summit’s Repair Café Returns on September 18th

Summit’s Repair Café September 2021 Bring your beloved but broken items to Summit’s Repair Café on Saturday, September 18 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at 561 Springfield Avenue. Christ Church is located at the corner of Springfield and New

League of Women Voters Plan September Virtual Candidate Forums

Candidates Forums League of Women Voters The League of Women Voters of Berkeley Heights, New Providence and Summit are planning virtual Candidates Forums in each of the towns. The Candidates Forums are important because they give the residents information on

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