Category: Summit Times

Summit Fire Department Partners with Summit High School and Shaping Summit Together for Dorm Fire Safety Presentation

The City of Summit Fire Department partnered with Summit High School and Shaping Summit Together to present ‘After the Fire,’ a program to educate graduating seniors on college campus fire safety. The goal of the program is to make students

Summit student musicians rated Superior at the High Note Festival

The Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School, Bel Canto Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and Stage Band competed in the High Note Festival which took place in Pennsylvania this spring. All three ensembles received the highest rating ‘Superior’ from the adjudicators! Special

Firefighter Appreciation Day at Brayton Elementary School

As part of Citizens of the Month, a Brayton Elementary School tradition, students in Mrs. Lepore’s 2nd grade class and Mr. Stanbro’s 4th grade class hosted Firefighter Appreciation Day this spring. All Brayton students were encouraged to wear red and

Junior League of Summit Announces 2018 Scholarship Recipients

The Junior League of Summit proudly names Leila Esposito of Summit High School and Katie Zimmerman of Governor Livingston High School as recipients of our annual Shirley Wight Keeney Voluntarism Scholarships. In addition, we are thrilled to award our inaugural
