Category: Short Hills Millburn Monthly

Kindergarten Registration Available Throughout February

Millburn Kindergarten Registration 2023 Registration for students who will be entering Kindergarten in September 2023, will take place from February 1 to February 28, 2023. Parents of incoming Kindergarteners (students must be 5 years old by October 1, 2023) are

Congratulations Poetry Contest Winners

Poetry Contest Winners Millburn Township Public Schools 15 Washington students have had their poetry accepted for publication in the Creative Communications national anthology.  4 students are from Mrs. Sharon Jones’s after school Poetry Workshop activity and the rest were submitted

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Short Hills Garden Club Donates to Hospice

Garden Club Donates to Hospice Overlook Auxilary The Short Hills Garden Club, founded in 1906, when nine gardeners decided to regularly share and expand their knowledge of gardening. They called themselves “The Nine of Spades” and in time they grew

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February Programs at the Millburn Public Library

Millburn Public Library February 2023 CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY MONTH SONGS IN THE KEY OF WONDER WITH THE JAMES AUSTIN TRIOSunday Feb 12, 2-3:30pmIn Person, AuditoriumThe James Austin Trio will perform jazz standards as well as selections from their latest release,

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