Category: Scotch Plains Monthly

Legendary teacher, coach and community icon William Lee dies

William Lee Passes Away Submitted by Tom Kranz William Lee, who touched thousands of lives as a teacher, coach, volunteer and driving instructor, died on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023, at a rehab facility in Virginia. He was 88. Learning to drive

Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School’s Outstanding high school athletes honored

Outstanding high school athletes honored Borough of Fanwood Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School’s amazing high school athletes took center stage at the July regular meeting of the Fanwood Mayor and Council held on Monday, July 17th, 2023. Record setting track and field achievements by Boys’

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Visit the Osborn Cannonball House Museum on August 6th

Osborn Cannonball House Museum Our ladies have donned their antique Edwardian cool summer attire to welcome visitors. Come visit our Colonial-era museum where you’ll hear the story of the Osborn Family, who were instrumental to the early development of Scotch

August Programs for Adults at the Scotch Plains Public Library

Scotch Plains Public Library August 2023 This year’s Summer Reading theme is All Together Now. Visit our website for details. Mondays at Noon – We’ll show Monday Movies in our downstairs meeting room. Friday, August 4 at 10am – Balance Awareness with Yasmin Ofek,

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