Category: Our Town Rahway

Tree Experts to Survey Rahway Street Trees

Rahway Tree Survey 2022 As you drive around Rahway this spring and summer you may see groups of people gathered around trees in bright yellow vest with clipboards. They are professional tree experts taking a survey of all the street trees

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100 Days at Franklin Elementary School

100 Days  Rahway Public Schools   Recently, Franklin Elementary School in Rahway celebrated the 100th day of school. Students took part in various activities to commemorate the big day. It was an exciting day filled with fun and learning that students

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Franklin Elementary Blue and Gold Club Coat Drive a Success

Blue and Gold Club Coat Drive a Success  Rahway Public Schools  Recently, the Blue and Gold Club at Franklin Elementary School in Rahway held its annual coat drive and collected over 200 coats. The coats went to people in need in the Rahway community and parishioners and

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Earl Reed Silvers – Prolific Writer and Respected Rutgers Dean

Earl Reed Silvers Submitted by Al Shipley, City Historian and Rahway Library Research Consultant Earl Reed Silvers (1891-1948), a Rahway resident for almost his entire life, became a widely-known author of short stories and novels and a popular and respected
