Category: Our Town Rahway

The August Issue of Our Town Rahway is Out Now!

Our Town Rahway August 2020 Click Here to Read More

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Most Memorable Fires in Rahway History (Part I Of II)

Memorable Fires (Part I Of II) Submitted by Al Shipley, City Historian and Rahway Library Research Consultant The article on the history of the Rahway Fire Department that appeared in last month’s issue brought on questions, comments, and memories concerning

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Linden Family Volunteers and Raises Money for Adoption Fundraiser

Gonzalez Family Volunteers and Raises Money for Adoption On July 18, 2020, Alfredo and Wendy Gonzalez from Linden, NJ, planned a different kind of adoption fundraiser. The Gonzalez family and a team of volunteers worked on the home of Rose,

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Rahway Graduate Andrew Santacruz Awarded Raritan-Americus Free and Accepted Masons Scholarship

A Good Day for a Good Student It was a good day in May when young Andrew Santacruz, a recent Rahway High Graduate, found out that he was awarded a scholarship from Raritan-Americus Free and Accepted Masons Scholarship Foundation. Andrew

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