Category: New Providence News

Virtual New Providence Crop Walk Aids the Hungry During Pandemic

Virtual New Providence Crop Walk Submitted by Larry Holt In spite of the obstacles presented by COVID 19, the annual New Providence Crop Walk to fight hunger took place on Sunday afternoon, October 18, 2020.  As in each year since

New Providence EMS welcomes New Member Alex Pereira

EMS Welcomes New Member Alex Pereira is a lifelong resident of New Providence and has been a member of the NPFD for the last three years. He is a sophomore at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he studies

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Councilwoman Michele Matsikoudis honored by New Jersey Veterans Network

Councilwoman Matsikoudis honored by NJ Veterans Network On Veterans Day the New Jersey Veterans Network hosted its first team awards ceremony at the Union VFW. Councilwoman Michele Matsikoudis was 1 of over 50 contributors who were honored during a ceremony that practiced social distancing

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Operation Blue Angel Safety Program for Older Community Members

Operation Blue Angel Safety Program The New Providence Police Department P.A.C.T. Program and New Providence-Our Community For All are proud to offer a new program: Operation Blue Angel. This safety program aims to aid older adults who are over 55

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