Category: Mountainside View

Boy Scout Troop 177 holds court of honor

Troop 177 court of honor Submitted by Sheila Sidhu Boy Scout Troop 177 hosted a court of honor on Monday, December 19th, 2022. A total of 141 merit badges were given to scouts and 24 rank advancements were made, including four Eagles with two Gold Eagle Palms,

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Dispatcher Walter “Skip” Kutsop retires after 20 years of service

Dispatcher Walter “Skip” Kutsop retires On December 27th, we had the great pleasure of saluting Dispatcher Walter “Skip” Kutsop as he exited the building one last time. Skip retired after more than 20 years of dedicated service to the residents

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Imagine Welcomes New Team of Facilitators

Imagine Welcomes New Facilitators Recently, Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss staff members Sonia Nunez, Newark Program Manager and Ashley S. Allen, Newark Training and Education Manager trained a wonderful new team of facilitators who will join our rapidly

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Imagine’s Butterfly Release Ceremony reflects on grief and loss

Butterfly Release reflects on grief and loss Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss Over 30 Imagine participants and staff gathered in the Tribute Meadow at Fairview Cemetery in Westfield held on Saturday, October 22. It’s a lovely spot near the weeping willows, pond,

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