Category: Madison Monthly

February Programs at the Madison Public Library

Madison Public Library February 2024 All lecture programs are online via Zoom unless stated otherwise. You will receive Zoom instructions and online meeting information in your registration confirmation email in addition to a reminder email prior to the date of

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Thursday Morning Club’s January Wise Wonderful Women Program

TMC January Wise Wonderful Women Program Looking for an enjoyable entertaining activity in January? Plan to come to the Thursday Morning Club’s Wise Wonderful Women’s (WWW) Program on January 12, 2024. The WWW event begins with brunch at 11 a.m.,

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Friends of the Madison Public Library Winter Minicourses

Library Minicourses Winter 2024 The Friends of the Madison Public Library are offering two new minicourses for the Winter 2024 Semester to begin on January 29 and 31. The minicourses will cover topics relating to the ‘U.S. Civil War’ and

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January Programs at the Madison Public Library

Madison Public Library January 2024 All lecture programs are online via Zoom unless stated otherwise. You will receive Zoom instructions and online meeting information in your registration confirmation email in addition to a reminder email prior to the date of

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