Category: Madison Monthly

Morris County Expands Veterans Services and Support

Veterans Services & Support expanded County of Morris The Morris County Veterans Services Office (VSO) is expanding accommodations, staff and key services to assist veterans and their families under a plan launched by the Morris County Board of County Commissioners. The Commissioners have

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160th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg

Gettysburg: 160th Anniversary Tribute Morris County To commemorate the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, Morris County has released an online collection of data and photographs memorializing local soldiers known to have participated in the three days of fury from

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Thursday Morning Club Installs New Officers

TMC Installs 2023 officers At the Thursday Morning Club Annual Meeting, Barbara McCloskey, President Elect of the NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), officiated at the installation of this year’s Thursday Morning Club (TMC) Officers. The 13 TMC officers

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Madison Rotary Breakfast Speaker for July – Ms. Claire Whitcomb

Madison Rotary Breakfast Speaker for July On Thursday, July 27th, Rotarians will welcome Ms. Claire Whitcomb, Chair of the Madison Environmental Commission. Ms. Whitcomb will address the aquifer, where our drinking water comes from, the role of trees as buffers to stormwater runoff,

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