Category: Madison Monthly

Chatham and Madison Student/Partner Alliance

Chatham and Madison Residents Supporting Nearby Urban High School Students A crowd of men and women from Chatham and Madison recently gathered to learn about Student/Partner Alliance (S/PA), a Summit-based non profit that supports motivated high school students at college preparatory

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The May 2019 issue of the Madison Monthly

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Madison Township Easter Fun Fest 2019

Madison Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Easter Fun Fest 2019 The Madison Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual Easter Fun Fest on Saturday, April 13 from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in the downtown business district. The event was sponsored by

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“INTOyellow” public Art Project May 4-11

Madison is “INTOyellow” to celebrate Optimism and Resilience in Honor of Mental Health Awareness Month Madison High School students, Girl Scouts, senior citizens, interfaith organizations and the Madison, NJ community at large are turning their Optimism into Action by participating in “Pollination” – the

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