Category: Life in Linden

Linden Summer Concert Series

Linden Police Unity Tour 2018

Submitted by Lt. Christopher Guenther The Linden Police Department and the City of Linden sponsored 12 officers to represent Team Linden in the annual Police Unity Tour. The Police Unity tour is an annual four-day, 200 plus mile bike ride

School No. 9 Students Participate in School-Wide Environmental Cleanup

The students at School No. 9, Linden, New Jersey, recently participated in a school-wide environmental cleanup. The grade levels divvied up the front and side lawns and back playground, and spread out to pick up trash, rake leaves, and neaten

Linden Students’ ‘Relay for Life’ Demonstrates Teamwork Against Cancer

Students at School No. 10 in Linden, New Jersey joined with the American Cancer Society to host their third annual “Relay for Life” event on May 4, 2018. The event was organized by third-grade teacher Kim Marie Kefalas, a survivor
