Category: Life in Linden

UNICO honors FDU-bound Toni Frino

Toni Frino has a passion for science and community service. The Linden High School student and nine other graduating seniors were recently honored by the Elizabeth Chapter of UNICO with scholarships during a celebratory dinner. Each recipient underwent an extensive

Nine New Officers Added to Ranks of Linden Police Department

Friends and loved ones gathered into a packed room at the Linden Library on Monday, June 4, 2018  to celebrate as eight new police recruits were sworn in ahead of their graduation from the John Stamler Police Academy on June

Linden Police Officers Honored by M.A.D.D. NJ

On Tuesday, June 20, 2018, Officers Daniel Hemenway and James Schulhafer were honored by M.A.D.D. NJ at their annual Law Enforcement Awards Luncheon. The Officers were among 700 Law Enforcement Officers from across the stated that were presented the Distinguished

Vietnam Veterans Share Stories With Linden Students

Members of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 779 of Union County spoke with three groups of Linden High School students on May 23, 2018 in the school’s Media Center about their experiences during and after the war. The visit
