Category: Fanwood Post

Fanwood celebrates 30th year as a Tree City USA

Tree City USA The Fanwood Shade Tree Commission announced the borough has received Tree City USA designation for a 30th year, a tribute to the town’s care and feeding of historic trees and conservation. The Commission unfurled the official Tree City

Local Author William McClintock Jr. to speak to Historical Society – May 23rd

Author to speak –  May 23rd The Historical Society of Scotch Plains And Fanwood History and Civil War buffs won’t want to miss this month’s meeting of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Historical Society, when local author William McClintock Jr. will present a

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Author and Illustrator Mr. Chicken Salad visits Coles School

Mr. Chicken Salad visits Coles School Scotch Plains – Fanwood Public Schools Coles students and staff were treated to a visit from author and illustrator Mike Ciccotello (aka: Mr. Mike or Mr. Chicken Salad) in March. Mr. Mike shared his

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Scotch Plains Congratulates College Club for 90 Years of Service

Serving the Community for 90 Years Fanwood-Scotch Plains College Club During a recent council meeting of the Township of Scotch Plains, Mayor Joshua Losardo, presented the College Club of F-SP with a resolution which read in part: “The Township Council

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