CASA celebrates work by Westfield, Summit residents

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Union County’s 5th annual Foster the Dream Gala Friday on Friday, Nov. 3, 2017 promises a good time, especially for honorees Barbara Bagger of Westfield and Marité Robinson of Summit. Both are being honored for their commitment to Union County’s most fragile children.
Cocktails kick off at 7 p.m. as guests peruse varied gift baskets for silent auction and try their luck at mystery bag prizes and raffles. The popular wine pull is always quick to have guests don cork necklaces atop their cocktail attire, eager for their turn to pull their surprise bottles of vino. The dinner bell brings dancing, awards and celebration — all before the night’s auctioneer doles out excitement and energy alongside coveted auction items.
Held at Shackamaxon Country Club in Scotch Plains, Bagger will receive the Dream-Keeper Award for Outstanding Volunteerism and Robinson, a long-time board member until a recent out-of-state move, will receive the Honorable Jo-Anne B. Spatola Dream-Maker Award.
Bagger, an adoptive and biological mother, and wife to former state Sen. Richard Bagger, formerly practiced law. Her four CASA youth have histories of substance abuse, homelessness, medical and educational needs, sexual and physical abuse, and neglect. After 14 court appearances, the judge has accepted 56 of Bagger’s 71 recommendations. Prior to Robinson’s decade of board work focused on fundraising, assisting at events and guiding the nonprofit’s growth, she trained as an advocate in Morris County and advocated for a teen with Tourette’s Syndrome and ADHD, and a pair of siblings whose parents were jailed for abuse. Marité’s language prowess as an interpreter and language teacher were critical when the youth were placed in a Spanish-speaking home.
CASA of Union County recruits, trains, supervises and supports community volunteers to be the voice for children removed from home and placed into foster care due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. Trained volunteers are sworn in as advocates by a Union County family judge and empowered by court order to contact foster parents, teachers, doctors and therapists involved with the child. Advocates spend time with their youth regularly and report findings to the judge to ensure needs are met and best interests remain a priority. The nonprofit serves nearly half the 600 Union County children in foster care; its goal is to provide an advocate for each.

Tickets are $150; log on to to purchase tickets, reserve a table or for more information about the organization. For additional gala details, contact or (973) 696-3783.